主頁 本書讀者評論選輯我想看來生不做中國人简体字版

Monday, December 16, 2013


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90後 said...





90後 said...


我寫了幾版紙。我寫了石油資源,全球暖化,香港貧富懸殊堅尼系數,香港看來有很多女高官,其實是某幾個面對鏡頭,北歐的女權,在圖書館看書看到丹麥有小學只有6人都開班,小班教育可以減少作業和試卷的批改等等。以下是最最最特別的內容,我寫了自己午睡拉下自己褲子幻想一下之後睡著後做了的春夢,還詳盡地描寫內容,關於兩個中國和韓國的男性古人,我還寫了自己的生理反應,睡醒不是洗個澡就可以清理好。在最後那版我寫了自己的幻想,幾個故事,故事有中國古代,歐洲古代,在北方雪國的雪球上的同性戀等等,還分開幾個scene: scene 1, scene2等等。


宗教課說到藝術與色情,老師描述一下某幅圖,然後問我們是藝術還是色情。原來那幅圖是某歐洲古人畫他老婆的裸體,哈哈!今天的藝術,當時的色情,對吧?無可否認,我近來有幻想Jan Hus的裸體。最好笑的是,談到色情片的禍害,她叫要做presentation的學生不要播放色情片,然後說有甚麼禍害。



90後 said...


有人在討論區分享春夢,我說多少少。那春夢有三個人,我是女主角,那中國古人是某武將,韓國古人是護衛。場地在草原,我將武器放下,脫下盔甲和衣服,他們上來愛撫我。然後韓國古人抱我到森林,我趴在湖邊,站在湖中。他在我後面抓我的屁股,吻下去…之後醒了。那個夢很棒,我現在想要Jan Hus的夢。一個Jan Hus,兩個Jan Hus,三個Jan Hus…

我在堂上覺得悶時,我幻想自己在冰島。我在網上漫遊時,看過零體罰,死刑等資訊。我支持零體罰!網上有篇叫以色列教育孩子的方式,作者是Sara Imas。還有影片,新聞,文章的。我不會學她的。


Anonymous said...


90後 said...


小學時,我在中國抑或台灣旅行,看到中國式(?)屋子放了幾枝屬冷兵器的格鬥兵器,單是柄就已經高過我一個頭,其實我想要一把。如果可以我會選一把一隻手就可以拿起的格鬥兵器。我在中學至今幻想過身上自動變一套盔甲和格鬥兵器自動出現在手中,我還想要Hussite shield。拿著武器很有型。

90後 said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Jan Hus與仇敵對唱Vděčný Jsem (I am grateful)
De Causis :
You're on the Mount of Olives
You're not a savior
This is not the Dead Sea
You're just a little teacher

You do not have any rights
criticizing Rome
Just preach the word wild
A 'm sure you're noticing

O what was actually trying to
What have you trying to prove ?
After what fame actually desire
To show what you want ?

Hus :
I am grateful
For those few meters
I am grateful
In the light of God
I am grateful
In short sun heat
Even for those who yearn for God

I am grateful
For a hard hunk of bread
I am grateful
For each new day
I am grateful
For paper and two pens
( I'm Thankful )
For a merciful dream

I am grateful , I 'm grateful , grateful I
And I accept your fate

De Causis :

In your lovely Prague today
About you never say anything
Even the last of the dog
Once you today neštěkne

Where are the crowds today
What makes you so badly wanted
Your delusion you cheating
For while other idols had

Hus answers:
I am grateful
I am grateful
I am grateful
I am grateful

I am grateful
I am grateful
I am grateful
I am grateful

90後 said...

你會稱自己為 香港人/中國人/香港的中國人/中國的香港人 : (按次計算)



90後 said...

1 Hypatia
2 Ada Lovelace
3 Libuše
4 Saint Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia
Good King Wenceslas的原型
5 Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor
6 John of Nepomuk
7 Jan Hus
8 Jan Blahoslav
a Czech humanistic writer, poet, translator, etymologist, hymnographer, grammarian, music theorist and composer. He was a Unity of the Brethren (因Jan Hus而來的新教組織)bishop, and translated the New Testament into Czech in 1564. This was incorporated into the Bible of Kralice.
9 John Amos Comenius
The last bishop of Unity of the Brethren and became a religious refugee and one of the earliest champions of universal education, a concept eventually set forth in his book Didactica Magna. He is considered the father of modern education.
10 Jan Žižka
Czech general and Hussite leader, follower of Jan Hus, was born in the small village of Trocnov (now part of Borovany) in Bohemia, into a gentried family. He was nicknamed "One-eyed Žižka.
11 Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
"Democracy has its faults, because people have their faults. Like teacher, like pupil."
12 Martin Luther
最值得欣賞的是他在Leipzig與Johann Eck的辯論站在Jan Hus那邊,出版Jan Hus的信。
‘When I was a tyro at Erfurt,’ we read, ‘I found in the library of the convent a volume of The Sermons of John Hus. When I read the title I had a great curiosity to know what doctrines that heresiarch had propagated, since a volume like this in a public library had been saved from the fire. On reading I was overwhelmed with astonishment. I could not understand for what cause they had burnt so great a man, who explained the Scriptures with so much gravity and skill. But as the very name of Hus was held in so great abomination that I imagined the sky would fall and the sun be darkened if I made honourable mention of him, I shut the book and went away with no little indignation. This, however, was my comfort, that perhaps Hus had written these things before he fell into heresy. For as yet I knew not what was done at the Council of Constance’ (Mon. Hus. vol. i. Preface).

真理必勝 said...

Jan Hus的信一個值得注意的地方是他提到miserable life
1 Therefore let no tribulation or anguish for Christ’s cause discourage us; knowing this for a surety, that whomsoever the Lord vouchsafes to receive to be His children, these he scourgeth; for so the merciful Father wills that they be tried in this miserable life through and in persecutions that afterwards He may spare us.
2 Therefore, for God’s sake and your own salvation and the furtherance of the truth, don’t yield a point through any fear of losing this miserable life, because it is surely for your great good that God has visited you with this His visitation.
3 And the Goose, although he be laid on the altar, as indeed he is now laid there, and although he shall be distressed by the weakness of the flesh, yet in the time to come, as we trust, he will be with Him Who dwells in the heavens; and as he awakes from the sleep of this miserable life, he will howl in derision and hiss at those destroyers of the picture and of Scripture.

究竟一個神父為何會說miserbale life?窮?有網頁指他起初做神父為脫貧,不知是不是真的。被父母毆打,像Martin Luther那樣?人生經歷?監禁時的待遇?可以說,他沒有像哈維爾一樣被釋放,被燒時沒有像聖經三青年獲救。

Anonymous said...

貼貼Human Development Index (HDI) ,看看頭20個是甚麼國家
1 Norway 白人
2 Australia 白人
3 United States 白人
4 Netherlands 白人
5 Germany 白人
6 New Zealand 白人
7 Ireland 白人
7 Sweden白人
9 Switzerland 白人
10 Japan 亞洲人
11 Canada白人
12 South Korea 亞洲人
13 Hong Kong 亞洲人
13 Iceland白人
15 Denmark白人
16 Israel猶太人
17 Belgium白人
18 Austria白人
18 Singapore 亞洲人
20 France白人

Anonymous said...

1 Norway 白人
2 Sweden 白人
3 Iceland 白人
4 Denmark 白人
5 New Zealand 白人
6 Australia 白人
7 Switzerland 白人
8 Canada 白人
9 Finland 白人
10 Netherlands 白人
11 Luzembourg 白人
12 Austria 白人
13 Ireland 白人
14 Germany 白人
15 Malta 白人
16 United Kingdom 白人
17 Czech Republic 白人
18 Uruguay 白人
18 Mauritius 亞洲人
20 South Korea 亞洲人

Anonymous said...

Press Freedom Index 2013

1 Finland 白人
2 Netherlands 白人
3 Norway 白人
4 Luxembourg 白人
5 Andorra 白人 -
6 Denmark 白人
7 Liechtenstein 白人 -
8 New Zealand 白人
9 Iceland 白人
10 Sweden 白人
11 Estonia 白人
12 Austria 白人
13 Jamaica 黑人
14 Switzerland 白人
15 Ireland 白人
16 Czech Republic 白人
17 Germany 白人
18 Costa Rica ???
19 Namibia 黑人
20 Canada 白人

90後 said...

繼續寫有趣的過去,活在miserable life都總點人生樂趣吧!



除此之外,我亦愛武則天甚至是其他古裝色情片。 有關中國的古裝色情片,不知是不是中國文化一部分,因為未必是中國大陸出版,演員不一定是中國人,我不知有沒有中國式成人技巧。中文突然變得好聽,有比我漂亮的女孩子,不知是不是化妝或整容西化。最棒的是玩蕭這種樂器和肚兜。我亦分享過一些片給某人,但我與他的關係一般,可是他有日本AV卻不與我分享。我看了那些片的一些片段內容並不吸引,不過我看過感官世界。

關於現代片,我看過一部叫Baise-moi的法國片,某演員在現實被人強姦過,警察說:「You’re an actress in pornographic films, so you can’t complain.」我相信婦權高不等於女性地位高。印度有女總統,但女性地位低,當然法國的女性地位高於印度女性。

我有追看一本在香港不出名,但在北歐出名的日本漫畫,上過兩個北歐論壇。我在其中一個論壇不記得回甚麼主題,說甚麼搖晃胸部,就被人ban ip。事後版主有內部討論我的圖像有沒有問題,其實是那套法國片的兩個女主角坐在一起,其中一個用右手抱著另一個,當然有穿衣服的!我猜他們連相中人是誰都不知道。另一個北歐論壇有masturbation一版,原來可以用冰做,有個17歲挪威男性試過,不過我沒試過,反而我自己設計問卷,問了些問題。

90後 said...



>>在最後那版我寫了自己的幻想,幾個故事,故事有中國古代,歐洲古代,在北方雪國的雪球上的同性戀等等,還分開幾個scene: scene 1, scene 2等等。


scnen 1: 公主 x 某某爵之子 x 公主的師父
在城堡的牆邊,某某爵之子抱起公主,師傳在後面,玩double penetration。
scene 2: 公主 x 某某爵之子
公主在城堡裡的大浴池洗澡,某某爵之子靠迎她,然後玩doggy style。

忘了其他內容,我真的用了這些英文字。有人覺得doggy style眨低女性,我覺得只是姿勢。


有次英文作文談到香港未來,我過於樂觀,預測錯誤,說香港貧富懸殊沒那麼嚴重,堅尼系數下降,事實愈來愈嚴重。我Gini coefficient寫了做Gini index,我以為是錯,原來有三個寫法。

90後 said...


我相信不少人跟我都是miserable life的俘虜,如果下世又是如此,自行了斷!這個世界失敗,又不能選擇時間,國家,地點,家庭出生!幻想的世界都比現實好!

90後 said...




之前那單囚禁案,受害人的祖母感謝神讓她孫女平安無事,幾日後,我想:神令她孫女受苦就是為了聽她這句話?真荒唐!我最感興趣的是受害者不斷求救,但沒有神及人來救,以及救出後有人奸笑傻笑痴笑感謝神。看到信神的國家譬如英國,挪威,澳洲宗教人數下降, importance of religion by country, Eurobarometer Poll 2010等數據我就真的笑了。


90後 said...


我無意中發現Tom Shelly的Niggermania,因而知道stormfront.org。Tom Shelly的Niggermania揭露黑人的真相。stormfront.org是White nationalist論壇。當然有White supremacist並不出奇,觀點亦都會重疊。

stormfront.org比高登好看,內容豐富,有深度。stormfront.org的anti, liberal, leftist相信等於高登的五毛。我相信race is more than skin color。有人說race is just a social construct, we’re all the same, we all bleed red, there is only one race: the human race,但說到racism, affirmative action, race does exist,而且不只一個。我支持Fourteen Words: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children,換成Tibetan也可。有時anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White和 racistnaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews是十大最長英文字之一,複數只需變一變s的位置,這字很好用。

最深刻的是一個叫Fading Light的白人女性會員Fading Light,頭像金髮碧眼,主要有英國,德國,瑞典血統,將stormfront.org的反對論點通通反駁,總結槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵總結得好。她說過自己生在liberal家庭,老爸經常說白人如何邪惡。

從兩網得自黑人的惡行, Black-on-White crime遠高於White-on-Black crime,有份參與賣黑奴,養黑奴比白人嚴重。我看過Black invention myths, Black doll White doll實驗。



Well....actually thats not quite true; the jew is White sometimes but only when they're doing something wrong.

Tim Wise has made a lot of money off of White guilt and pushing the anti White agenda, he even has a book called "White like me". Tim Wise is jewish.

When the jews are responsible for communism and the deaths of countless White people they are not jewish, they are "Russian"

When the jew is involved in organised crime and responsible for the misery and suffering of people they are not the "jewish mafia", they are everything but jewish.

When the jew steralises black immigrants to israel its because "Israel belongs to us, the White man".

So no, the jew is only White when he is doing something wrong but when he's on the defensive he goes back to being a jew (probably so play the victim because as we know the jew is the eternal victim, eternally persecuted for no reason)

90後 said...


不知未來會如何,出生年份希望是2010年左右。這年代的文明富裕白人國家愈來愈世俗,政教分離,有些國家規定內閣成員的宗教,只要看一看他們的憲法條文有些被刪除,就知憲法條文未必會永遠生效,尤其是宗教情況出現變化。人類歷史的災難,譬如黑死病,證明宗教無能,有人會折磨自己,認為是天上的懲罰,這就是虔誠。就是沒有神或神奇力量來幫忙,所以就沉醉於宗教活動。看了看importance of religion by country, Eurobarometer Poll 2010等數據我有理由相信宗教人數多不過大部分都是小時候被父母帶去入教。我很開心文明人醒覺,我很開心文明國家有世俗民主,世俗自由,包括宗教和遠離宗教的自由,世俗婦權,世俗富裕,世俗科技等。


白人的確優秀聰明,幹嘛有人會對此反感呢?說猶太人或mixed race混血兒聰明就無問題。解釋愈簡單愈好。現今如果你人種或種族好,國家好,當然有例外,譬如巴西要看地區。

1. 西方文明,思想是白人發明和建立的。古希臘羅馬文明都是白人建立的。甚至有人說古埃及,早期中國和印度的文明都是白人建立的。我信,白人的而且確有這個能力。
2. 世上的東西大都是白人發明的。
3. 文明國家不是亞洲人就是白人,白人國家佔多。白人國家文明富裕比率較高。
4. 有人說基督教國強大發達,看來只有白人基督教國家。
5. 北歐五個最佳國家都是白人國家。那裡的男人比香港和中國男人優秀和善良。
6. Quote: Japan is strict on studying. Kids don't study, they risk dishonoring themselves and their parents. Not like in the US where a lot of kids don't really care and fall asleep in class.
Re: I would take this to be evidence that we are therefore inherently smarter. If they have to study all day to barely exceed us on an IQ test that we took after napping through class, that says something about genetic proclivities. 東亞人的IQ比歐洲人的IQ高,為何亞洲只拿東亞來說? IQ test可換成其他test。
7. 工時不是全時間最長,甚至短就能打造文明富裕國家。
8. 禁體罰,宗教人數下降,道德依然高。


90後 said...



如果跟Jan Hus一起會有甚麼樣的生活呢?禁慾?聽他傳道?

Does Asian Orthography Curbs Creativity?
問:They say East Asians lack creativity. Anyone read a book called The Writing on the Wall: How Asian Orthography Curbs Creativity written by William C. Hannas? What do you think of it?

If you don't read this book, do you think that Asian orthography really curbs creativity?

90後 said...


我幻想自己是Jan Hus的守衛,守護Bethlehem Chapel。有牧羊人,要有牧羊犬!!Bethlehem Chapel有不同時空的古人。經常出沒的人有Jan Hus, Martin Luther, Olav Tryggvason與我。因為我是Jan Hus的守衛,跟Jan Hus一起住。故事路線不是選擇Jan Hus,就是Olav Tryggvason。

我在Charles IV雕像下苦惱如何跟Jan Hus拍拖。
Martin Luther:Hi!狗,你看來很空閒。
Martin Luther:那你慢慢睜著眼發夢。下次記住戴口水堅。

Martin Luther走過Charles Bridge到另一邊,看到Olav Tryggvason雙手放在橋邊上望住天空。
Martin Luther:鵝拉布,你在想甚麼想得這麼入神?
Olav Tryggvason:我喜歡一個人,但對方看來不喜歡我。
Martin Luther:甚麼人?
Olav Tryggvason:在我們和Jan Hus身邊。
Martin Luther背對他,掩住口,努力忍笑。
Martin Luther心想:不會是那隻罪狗吧?
Martin Luther:你們有沒有共同興趣?
Olav Tryggvason:她喜歡武器,我想跟她切磋武藝。可是她喜歡我的情敵。
Martin Luther心想:如果Jan Hus跟罪狗一起,Jan Hus有難了。罪狗慾望驚人,胃口又大。
Martin Luther:我看你的實力可以戰勝情敵,那麼你們可以日日切磋武藝了。

90後 said...


Fading Light真厲害,反駁anti-racist的理論,最驚訝的是繁殖不同生物的論點,簡單我卻想不到。我看書最先想到以色列,因為我以前看過以色列的資訊。以色列位處亞熱帶,一大片沙漠,缺水,降雨量少,但以科技解決,農業發達,近年才發現石油。

stormfornt.org會員說作者說到歐洲全靠環境成功,明明白人努力創造環境令他們成功。對呀,作者說到那些屋,田,牧場等一直在歐洲。stormfront.org會員說剛果森林和尼羅河的資源足己建立一個社會。非洲有非洲野驢,狼,駝鳥,牛等動物。我在聖經看到有駝鳥,發現撒哈拉沙漠和非洲南部都有駝鳥。白人馴化部分非洲地區,交到黑人手上就被破壞。如果非洲不夠資源,他們可以輸入,其實一直有做。Chad湖快要消失,黑人該怎麼辦?海地在法國統治是jewel of the Caribbean,黑人殺了法國人後,海地被黑人統治變成了失敗國家。



作者就如Fading Light所說接受不了白人較聰明的事實,造了一部Rube-Goldberg machine去避開最明顯的結論。因此,我更認為解釋愈簡單愈好。現今如果你人種或種族好,國家好,當然有例外,譬如巴西要看地區。

作者令我想起了stormfront.org裡叫做Loony Leftists claim that "we are all the same".的帖子。

真理必勝 said...


90後 said...


90後 said...


Religion in Australia (2011)
Protestant (33.2%)
Roman Catholic (25.3%)
No religion (22.3%)
Undeclared (9.4%)
Eastern Orthodox (2.6%)
Buddhism (2.5%)
Islam (2.2%)
Hinduism (1.3%)
Other religions (1.2%)

Religion in the United Kingdom (2011)
Christianity (59.5%)
Non-religious (25.7%)
Not stated (7.2%)
Islam (4.4%)
Hinduism (1.5%)
Other religions (1.8%)

Religion in the United Kingdom (2001)
Christian: 72.0%
Muslim: 3%
Hindu: 1%
Sikh: 0.6%
Jewish: 0.5%
Buddhist: 0.3%
Any other religion: 0.3%

Norway religiosity (2012)
Lutheranism 77.9%
No religion 14.7%
Other Christianity 2.6%
Islam 2.3%
Catholicism 2.1%
Others 0.4%

1 Norway goes secular, removes Lutheran Church as state religion
The current requirement for at least half of all government ministers to be members of the Church will also be scrapped, and even the minister of church affairs will no longer need to belong to the church.

2 Religions in Norway: An article series / Columns / The Foreigner
In May 2012, the Constitution was amended to separate the Church of Norway from the State, formally making Norway a secular country with no official religion.

3 Norway makes another step in the long road to separating church and state

4Religion Requirement Will not Determine the Cabinet in Norway

其他:Norway separates church and state及其相關


90後 said...

Olav Tryggvason將挪威基督化,Olaf II Haraldsson繼續將挪威基督化,被視為民族英雄和聖人的是Olaf II Haraldsson,而不是Olav Tryggvason?


Citizens born in Norway to one or two Norwegian parents are automatically added to the list of Protestant Christians in Norway, and are required to "sign out" of the church. There are two categories kept in the church's books

Importance of religion by country
Country Yes, important No, unimportant
Norway 20.5% 78%

Eurobarometer Poll 2010
Country Norway
"I believe there is a God" 22%
"I believe there is some sort of spirit or life force" 44%
"I don't believe there is any sort of spirit, God or life force" 29%

90後 said...

我有一件要懺悔的事就是曾經想當mixed race混血兒。我在中學時幻想自己是中法混血兒,會說中文,法文。這個想法真可笑。法文可以自己學或付錢學,無需法國血統,不過我最後沒有學。法文特別之處是有些尾音不用發。另一件要懺悔的事是我幻想自己是冰島人race mix娶中國女人。

他們說mixed race混血兒漂亮,聰明,健康。漂亮是主觀,的確有少數mixed race混血兒漂亮,我給老爸看過一個mixed race混血兒小孩的圖,他說這小孩很可愛。我將mixed race混血兒小孩的圖和stormfront.org會員的淺啡髮藍眼睛白人小孩的圖放在一起,我老爸一言不發。我覺得白人小孩比較可愛。白人和亞洲人的mixed race混血兒大概不用戴大眼con或做大眼手術就有大眼晴吧?聰明就要看國家了,看一看中亞和拉丁美洲的mixed race國家,就知道mixed race混血兒有多聰明了。Mixed race混血兒很難找骨髓,還有其他健康問題。


不知interracial couple住哪裡。有人說過北歐天下大同,平等意識高漲,跟有色人種通婚。奇怪他們一家沒有移民到巴西,墨西哥等國,住在mixed race城市,而是住在白人國家,白人城市,當然不是首都移民區。這令我想起stormfront.org有人說支持移民或多元文化的白人住在白人區。答案很簡單,那個白人國家,那個白人城市生活水平一流嘛。誰會想住那些multicultural cesspool呢?跟有色人種通婚如何等於平等意識高漲呢?不race mix如何等於種族歧視?印度的種姓制度就是假設了種姓不平等,印度政府才要用獎金鼓勵種姓通婚。我說白人以及其他人種沒有義務通婚,非黑人亦沒有義務收養黑人小孩。白人在非洲建立農場和國家,每年有天文數字的金錢捐向非洲,黑人建立不了文明富裕國家,那是他們的問題,其他人無需負責。

不去race mix甚至反對race mixing的白人明顯較聰明,白人跟白人生育才能生下白人。我幻想不到這世界沒有白人會變成怎樣,我不希望白人國家變成巴西,墨西哥。我母親知道我喜歡白人,做不到白人,可以找白人生一個混血兒,我當然拒絕了。我下世才不要當mixed race混血兒。

90後 said...



Church of Denmark year population members percentage
1984 5,113,500 4,684,060 91.6%
1990 5,135,409 4,584,450 89.3%
2000 5,330,500 4,536,422 85.1%
2005 5,413,600 4,498,703 83.3%
2007 5,447,100 4,499,343 82.6%
2008 5,475,791 4,494,589 82.1%
2009 5,511,451 4,492,121 81.5%
2010 5,534,738 4,479,214 80.9%
2011 5,560,628 4,469,109 80.4%
2012 5,580,516 4,454,466 79.8%
2013 5,602,628 4,430,643 79.1%

Religious affiliation in Iceland (2013)
Church of Iceland (76.18%)
Other Christian (11.33%)
Other and unspecified (5.91%)
Unaffiliated (5.16%)
Other religions (1.42%)

Church of Sweden
year population church members percentage
1972 8,146,000 7,754,784 95.2%
1980 8,278,000 7,690,636 92.9%
1990 8,573,000 7,630,350 89.0%
2000 8,880,000 7,360,825 82.9%
2005 9,048,000 6,967,498 77.0%
2006 9,119,000 6,893,901 75.6%
2007 9,179,000 6,820,161 74.3%
2008 9,262,000 6,751,952 72.9%
2009 9,340,682 6,664,064 71.3%
2010 9,415,570 6,589,769 70.0%
2011 9,482,855 6,519,889 68.8%
2012 9,555,893 6,446,729 67.5%

Finnish religiosity (2012)
Lutheranism 76.4%
No religious affiliation 21.0%
Orthodoxy 1.1%
Islam 1%
Others 0.4%

90後 said...

Religion in England (2011)
Christianity (59.4%)
Non-religious (24.7%)
Not stated (7.2%)
Islam (5.0%)
Other religions (2.2%)
Hinduism (1.5%)

Religion in Northern Ireland (2011)
Catholicism (40.8%)
Presbyterianism (19.1%)
Anglicanism (13.7%)
Non-religious (10.1%)
Not stated (6.8%)
Methodism (3.0%)
Other Christian (5.8%)
Other religions (0.8%)

Religion in Scotland (2011)
Church of Scotland (32.4%)
Catholic Church (15.9%)
Other Christian (5.5%)
Non-religious (36.7%)
Not stated (7.0%)
Other religions (2.6%)

Religion in Wales (2011)
Christianity (57.6%)
Non-religious (32.1%)
Not stated (7.6%)
Islam (1.5%)
Other religions (1.2%)

Anonymous said...

Mister Jan Hus爆名
Worshipful lord rector, reverend father and master! I do not believe that the schism of the people can be lulled to sleep: for Christ’s prophecy must needs be fulfilled, Who came not to send peace, but a sword, to separate father from son and mother from daughter, etc. The prophecy of Paul also saith that the son of iniquity shall not be accomplished unless there came a schism first. As to the disgrace of the king and his kingdom, what matters it to us, if the king is good, and provided at least some of his subjects are good? Christ in His earthly course suffered deep disgrace along with His elect, to whom He said: They will put you out of the synagogues, and will slay some of you, thinking that they are doing a service to God.And you shall be hated by all men for my name’s sake, you shall be delivered up by parents and kinsfolk. Now this is worse than to suffer at the hands of Stanislaus and Palecz! But as to my victory, it depends not on the world’s good report; for I know that he is conqueror, who is slain.

Anonymous said...

Jan Hus寫了一封顯示出他的憤怒

To Master John Sybart2in the University of Vienna

(July 1, 1413)
He deserveth no greeting, who defames his neighbours with grievous falsehoods, but is marked out as one worthy of correction, that, when his falsehood is recognised by him, he may the more quickly turn into the way of charity. To think that you are a professor, not of theology, but of lying information! Why do you state3 that Master Jerome is not the least of the disseminators of heresy when you know nothing about his beliefs? Why do you add the notorious lie that he went on a visit to the King of Cracow and to his brother in order to subvert their views? Are you a searcher of hearts? Do you know a man’s mind at such a distance?4 Are you a professor of Christ’s law, when you defame your neighbour with a lie? It must be Antichrist who hath taught you to talk in this mad strain. What of Christ’s law, Judge not, and you shall not bejudged?1 What of this: If thy brother sin against thee, reprove him?2 Why, instead of giving your brother in the first place a loving reproof by yourself alone, you publish a damaging calumny!3 And you have had the audacity to put your sharp teeth not only into an honourable master, but into great communities. Bohemia did not suffice you but you must fix a charge of heresy (which I trust is a false charge) upon the Slavonic people before the students with diabolical rashness, and with no firsthand knowledge. Judging the hidden things of the heart (forsooth!), you wrote that they were “heresiarchs and schismatics,4 carrying honey on their lips and holding the fatal poison of asps in their hearts.”5 This is the way you unjustly judge your neighbours, supposing also that they are attempting to stir up a mad revolt against the clergy. God is standing ready to judge. Granted that in name you are a professor of theology, yet if you do not in very deed confess the truth and do penance for this offence, you will have to give an account for every word to the strictest6 of all judges. Is it part of your professorial calling7 to fall into confusion as to individuals, to charge your brothers with heresy, and to gather together lies in different quarters against your neighbours? Surely you have been badly instructed in the theology of love! May God grant you the spirit of truth to speak that which is holy and right before the Lord and not what is calumnious and defamatory, the offspring of the spirit of falsehood and error. I am writing without words of flattery, to prevent you sowing the seeds of detraction and scandal among your neighbours, and from the desire that you may abstain from such behaviour and do penance for the offences you have committed. Written on the octave of John Baptist, by the hands of Master John Hus, in hope a servant of Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...


9 非白人懷念白人統治,如香港,牙買加
10 氣候炎熱,寒冷,白人都能建立文明富裕國家。

90後 said...


Anonymous said...

Does Asian Orthography Curbs Creativity?
問:They say East Asians lack creativity. Anyone read a book called The Writing on the Wall: How Asian Orthography Curbs Creativity written by William C. Hannas? What do you think of it?

If you don't read this book, do you think that Asian orthography really curbs creativity?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


希望世界更和平,文明,世俗。我要堅持真理必勝。Bring back Jan Hus!!!




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

這個miserable life不是本生物想要的,浪費時間,浪費本生物的頭腦與身體。

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Miserable life簡直是大妨礙!!15歲多可愛!下世絕對要做白人,出生在白人家庭。我想和另一半15歲時獨自住一間別墅,談天說地,社會到世界議題,歷史,書籍,動畫,電影,性,一起看色情片,玩成人玩具。最好有武器盾牌,盔甲。當在屋內脫光衣服不要好似這個miserable life的我,別人說粗口就可以,我說就不行。粗口當然盡量不會說,除非很憤怒,但在纏綿中說沒問題。

幻想在屋子裡在Jan Hus面前脫衣服,自慰真是興奮。Jan Hus不算英俊,但嘴唇很性感,我要打茄輪!!!

Martin Luther:可憐的Jan Hus...
Jan Hus:Versatile...

90後老不死 said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



有人說mixed race混血兒聰明,噢!白人不行了,要靠race mixing提高質素。如果世界變成巴西那樣,這個世界就變成天堂啦!

Anonymous said...



愛沙尼亞選對對象來模仿!!愛沙尼亞人的確夠聰明,希望他們不要race mixing。

Anonymous said...

Should Hong Kong Have Been a White Country


Anonymous said...

Is that why Brazil, Mexico and so on are the best countries,huh?

Are mixed race people generally smarter?

Anonymous said...


點名在美華人較優 虎媽又出書

Anonymous said...

將宗教試題交給Martin Luther,Jan Hus完成,滿分有望。

Martin Luther:我懂做都不會幫你做,罪狗,不過值得一看。
Jan Hus:做完交給你老師批改,不知我會拿多少分。

Anonymous said...




所以古埃及等文明是那些神發展出來,是嗎?以色列人常講一句話:「因為我們沒有像摩西那樣從石頭中取水的本事,所以我們只好另外想辦法。」對!餡餅不會從天上掉下來!文化和文明都是人造出來的!我最喜歡聖經這句If you don't work, you don't eat.

Anonymous said...

如果Alexander Kerensky沒有被推翻,今日的俄羅斯將會大不同。可惜天意弄人,被猶太人破壞。



Anonymous said...

我要跟聰明的白人,即不race mix甚至反對race mixing和喜歡白人的白人一樣聰明!!!


Anonymous said...

Kdo Tu Ctí Krále
Who's in honor of the King

're Committed to their mission
Understand the human soul
You're the one who hears my confession
Who of my grief, my ink

For a shy smile
Under the royal diadem
I tremble with fear
A tremendous loneliness

Who's in honor of the King and who is whose master
I can not continue to live the illusion
Who's in honor of the King and who is blind only
It kills the next day

Are you the master, not the mainstay
It is not a good ruler
Experiencing a period of severe ill
Will my adversary?

Everyone was excited about my sermon
Today I considered heretics
Those of selling indulgences
They take their dirty penny

Who's in honor of the King and who is whose master
I can not continue to live the illusion
Who's in honor of the King and who is blind only
It kills the next day

Anonymous said...

跟Jan Hus對唱是好事。究竟他有多少歌?


Erlo :
I married your thoughts and beliefs
You do not suffer in the wet hole
Your guide is ready at the gates of
A donkey to ride with you parked

Hus :
Oh Erlo old , devoted friend
What will be with you , if the offense is identified
Who lives for my freedom to pay
You must not wait for me just a curse

Hus, Mother , Queen, Erlo :
What price a soldier , he runs away from war
Poorly wins the fight , when he goes from afar

evil :
Run away , run away , my brother
Forget discipline
What conscience betrayed
Prepare the bath

Run away , run away , my Huse
Forget the faith
Do your virtues at all costs
I'll make a hole

Erlo :
All of it just Leave the care of my
I am not of those who are afraid of death
Whether you prefer to place my executioners killed
After all, your ideas will survive centuries

Hus :
Escape from death , to escape from the evil ?
They fill me with anger and rage
Did I burn my bridges behind?
This way my steps to heaven do not !

Hus mother Erlo :
What price a soldier , he runs away from war
Poorly wins the fight , when he goes from afar

evil :
Run away , run away , my brother
Forget discipline
What conscience betrayed
Prepare the bath

Anonymous said...

就算美國人,澳洲人叫I'm British其實沒有問題,如果此人有英國血統。那個97年出生的澳洲stormfront會員說I'm Czech。其實不指她,stormfront.org和其他網站的人都像她說自己的種族。一個葡萄牙裔的巴西人可以說I'm Brazilian, I'm Portuguese, I'm Brazilian of Portuguese descent, I'm White Brazilian, I'm White等等。


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


我死亦不會忘記一些事,Jan Hus要死後的reward,我要補償。

Anonymous said...

get naked in front of my boyfriend? - Yahoo Answers 及相關


Anonymous said...

What the heck does "white culture" mean?
What exactly does that even mean? How can culture be something that is exclusive to a type of people because of their skin color? That honestly makes no sense and boggles my mind.

I heard some people on here talk about "white culture" and I'm still trying to get over what that even means. I know Irish culture, German culture, etc... but "WHITE culture?" HUH?

please explain

1Oh yeah, I forgot white people dont have any culture. Theres no such thing as German culture, no such thing as Greek culture, Russian culture? bah! doesnt exist. Forget the Oktoberfest, forget the Cossack dancing, forget Bagels, forget Italian cuisine. Forget European languages. Spanish dancing? doesnt exist.

White people don't exist. Theres no such thing as white people.

White people have no culture.

We need to bring culture to uncultured Europe.

We need to import millions of non whites into Europe to show evil nazis what culture is.

2How about pretty much all art, literature, dance, music, science, mathematics, philosophy, architecture, engineering....

3White culture means "state of the art' 1st world civilised cultures". All created by white man.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Parenting Beyond Belief: On Raising Ethical, Caring Kids Without Religion


Anonymous said...

都已經21世紀,沒必要著眼於宗教,讓世界慢慢退燒。連動物都沒有宗教,人當然不用靠宗教。做隻irreligious生物。願Jan Hus長存心中。

Anonymous said...

Why is the Czech Republic so atheist?

1 The church was relatively weak in what is now the Czech Republic before World War 1 because it was associated with the the Austro-Hungarian elite. The church then failed to be associated with anticommunism in the same manner as the church in Poland. In the Czech situation you had an already weak and discredited church basically strangled under communism and no impetus for rejuvenation like the popular Polish church,

2Religion is simply not part of the Czech national identity. In Poland and Slovakia, countries with very similar cultures, for instance, being Catholic is part of being a Pole or a Slovak (even if a lot of these "Catholic" Poles and Slovaks are these days not actually religious in anything but name). But when the idea of the Czech nation was being developed in the 19th century, organized religion just wasn't a part of it. Most of the big events in Czech history that endure in the national consciousness were rebellions against or oppression by religious authority, whether its the Hussite rebellion or Battle of White Mountain (and the execution of the (Protestant) Czech nobility by the Habsburgs). The church has always (since the 15th century at least) been seen as a symbol of oppression in the Czech Republic, and so opposing the church is in many ways part of being a Czech.

Anonymous said...

對於此miserable life,以下這些人,書和網站改變了我:
3Jan Hus


1Race is my religion and my religion is my science.
3Jan Hus

2Bring back Apartheid
3Truth prevails
5Bring back Jan Hus
6Truth prevails, bring back Jan Hus

Anonymous said...

問題:Are you a racist?
Ask your children what "racist" means.

Post answers below.

(and I know it's hard for most lefties, but please try to be honest)

My kids answered, "It means you're white."

That is the answer they got from school.

1All non Whites see is skin color and all these libtards are going to have some non White standing over them saying he was one of the good ones.

2Just confirmation of the fact that racially targeted abuse is being heaped on our children, and pumped into society from kindergarten on up. Hating White people is the very fabric of our enemies lives—and they have the audacity to call us haters.

Anonymous said...

What are other code words?
I always hear you guys said "anti-racist is code word for anti-white" and "diversity is code word for white genocide." I've heard other phrases, even one saying '"open minded is code for air headed."

What are the other diversity or "white genocide"-related phrases that involve code words? For example, the type of stuff that is used on banners.

There is loads of that stuff.
A whole world of double speak.
Not just slogans, a whole world of implicit meaning.

"No such thing as Race"... yet every race but whites get to celebrate...
You just need to tune in to the frequency.

The following small sampling of libtard terms should all be copyrighted by the left, considering how much they use them to try to silence people who disagree with them:

civil rights
White privilege

We all bleed red.

Intolerance will not be tolerated.
Diversity is our strength, we must mix until we are all brown and the same.

"There is no such thing as race"

"We're all God's children"

"You're just a racist hater.."

"Your children will end up race-mixing"

"What you just said is racist and against the law!!!"

Heard that last one many times, still waiting for my first lawsuit!


Anonymous said...

2004 stormfornt.org主題+正確回覆
The schools that Finnish top

Beacuse atleast Norway has a ****ty multiculty school with stupid teachers and tons of half breeds and adopted children. I guess my class is 25% not pure white and i live outside our multiculty capital Oslo..Some scientists belived the reason why Finn's had sdo good grade results was beacuse of the nerly all-white pop

Anonymous said...

Haribo stops Scandinavian sales of 'racist' sweets

But isn't diversity a strength? LOL

Anonymous said...


Success is determined on geography
This guy makes very interesting points.

Major things that determine a civilization's success.

As shown in the video, if you are full, you have time to think, if you have time to think, you have time to invent. The Han Chinese ethic, who lived between the two rivers (Yellow river and Yangtze river) had the luxury of food due to easy agriculture, therefor advanced earlier and invented 60% of things we know and were only surpassed in recent by Europe recently due to luck. If you are hungry, you simply don't have the time to think because you're too busy trying to stay alive.

Another reason why civilizations that live in temperature environments are more advanced than those who live in arctic/tropical climates is separation. It is much easier to explore the world around you with a full belly in a comfortable climate than being trapped in a tropical jungle with little food or the ability to get out.

Europe, while slightly warmer than china, still has the advantages of a temperate climate with good agriculture, which led to a strong nation.

However, the common misconception is that europeans are "superior" to chinese. The reason why Europe caught up to China is 100% luck (china's great thinkers mostly happened during ancient times while europe's happened recently). Plus, the Manchus greatly weakened china, allowing Europeans to score victory in the 19th century.

Anonymous said...

1 Is this why Madagascar is a prospering 1st world superpower and Japan is a backwards hellhole?
2 Egypt is quite warm isn't it? And I wonder why they don't build any more pyramids...

Must be global warming.
3 So what's Africas excuse?
4 Africa has the best farm land and the best growing season of any continent on Earth, it is also rich in natural resources, has ample coastline, and many navigable rivers; the very model of a super power.
Originally Posted by voiceofreasee View Post
Success is determined on geography
回:This is an old canard and utterly fails to predict which nations are successful and which are not, a reality the narrator weasels out of facing by refusing to evaluate his theory for lots of nations and over long periods of time. That is not how science works: You create a theory and then try to find evidence that proves you wrong, but libtards aren't honest enough to do this, so they focus only on evidence that happens to work with their pet theories.

If geography were the primary determinant of a nation's success, then no nation's success would ever change appreciably over time, obviously. And that is not true, obviously, so the theory is deeply flawed, OBVIOUSLY.
china's great thinkers mostly happened during ancient times
回:China never really had any great thinkers. The closest thing they had was proximity to India back when it was majority White after being settled by the Indo-Europeans, and then it fell apart when we left India (as did India itself). Now that we are back to influence the Chinese again, suddenly they are doing better again. Gee, let's think about what could be causing their success. Hey, I know, China MOVED upon the earth's crust during their worst centuries, RIGHT?
6 Why were North American Indians so useless when they had one of the best continents on Earth?

Why were Sub-Saharan Africans so useless for the same reason?

Same with the Australian Aborigines.

And Europeans are just lucky to invent 95% of the worlds technology? They just lucked their way onto the moon? Really? You're a joke.
7 And don't forget about what a backward place Scandinavia is. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland... These are all very backward countries, you know. I mean, they must be, because they have a very cold climate and not much good land for farming.

It's not the place, it's the people. Basically, if the race is good the place is good. I am certain that if we could exchange the populations of Iceland and Haiti and left them to their own devices, then within only a few decades Haiti would be a thriving, first-world nation--the jewel of the Caribbean once more--and Iceland would be a third-world dump (that is, if the Haitians could even manage to survive that long in such a cold, harsh environment.)

Anonymous said...

不是mixed race混血兒特別聰明嗎?


Anonymous said...

2013年,知道Jan Hus,新教Hussite等,再去有害網站。


Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

平時我不會說喜歡Jan Hus,說了出來被人問我是不是天主教徒,說不能喜歡神父。我真的很喜歡Jan Hus,想跟他在一起,不能讓宗教成為障礙!!!死後要找他!!我不會因現在不能跟他在一起,而感到痛苦。

Anonymous said...

我喜歡Jan Hus!!
我享受Jan Hus!!

Anonymous said...

我喜歡Jan Hus!!
我享受Jan Hus!!

Anonymous said...

我喜歡Jan Hus!!
我享受Jan Hus!!

Anonymous said...

我喜歡Jan Hus!!
我享受Jan Hus!!

Anonymous said...

我喜歡Jan Hus!!
我享受Jan Hus!!

Anonymous said...

我喜歡Jan Hus!!
我享受Jan Hus!!

Anonymous said...

這些比Jan Hus的痛苦與死亡算小兒科。

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

世上沒有"澳洲人"和"美國人", 都叫"英國人"才對



Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


宣誓時,你會發覺身邊有很多英文比你差得多的「鬼佬、鬼婆」,你就明白身為華裔澳洲人,毋須妄自菲薄:華人一樣可以是Proud Australian,並非白人才是「真正澳洲人」。



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


強姦是男人的專長。nothing special。

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Bring back Jan Hus!! said...


Anonymous said...

賠償逾千萬 洛城教會性侵賠償落定

Anonymous said...

教廷猛男衛兵 淪主教性奴

Anonymous said...

前修女自述被神父性侵 勸教宗勿包庇

Anonymous said...

[國師最新批鬥目標] 來生不做中國人作者:鐘祖康


Anonymous said...

咁佢就初頭好憤怒,後尾竟然話諗起一定係啲中國人做得太多Hi Hi野先令到人歧視佢,所以佢就心平氣和咁包容



Anonymous said...

將我老母弄成這樣,殺Jan Hus,逼害Hussite還不夠?




Anonymous said...

有東亞病夫連弱質女流連不如,哈哈。倒想起弱勢Jan Hus和Hussite被基督教逼害



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



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